your pet living it’s best life


Welcome to our new website! Thank you for your patience as we are updating everything and if you are looking for our Hampton Cove Animal Hospital site please click here or click “Veterinary Services” at the top of the page. DayCare, Boarding and Grooming info can be found right here at if you have any questions just give us a call at 256-533-3385 and we will be happy to help.

Normal business hours for Covepets:
Monday through Friday - 7am to 5:30pm
Saturday - 8am to 12pm
Sunday Boarding Pick Up Only - 4:30pm to 5:30pm

why choose Covepets?

 Covepets was designed and built for the sole purpose of being the safest most comfortable environment for your pet’s needs when they are not with you. We spent countless hours meeting with industry leading engineers on proper ventilation, building materials, layout and lighting that would best support your pet’s during their time at our facility. We continue to monitor advancements in our industry and make changes to stay on the cutting edge of pet safety and comfort. Covepets is committed to having trained team members caring for your pets while they are here.


Trained team members monitoring 3 large indoor/outdoor play groups. All day play, no forced kennel time. Click here to read more.


Luxury kennels with HD televisions, state of the art lighting and air filtration systems. Experienced team members monitoring pets. Click here to read more.


Three full time professional stylist ready to provide all your pet’s grooming needs. Click here to read more.

On-Site Vetinarian

Covepets shares a location with Hampton Cove Animal Hospital and has access to full service veterinary care either on-site during office hours or on-call after hours. Click here to visit the HCAH webiste.


our commitment to you

Covepets realizes that your pet is a member of your family. It is with this in mind that we prioritize your pets safety and comfort when performing any and all of our services. We strive to cultivate an environment that is not only safe, but healthy for the overall well being of your family member.