All Day Play
During DayCare your pet will enjoy a complete day of playtime in supervised play groups with no forced nap or kennel time.

Qualified Play Counselors
All Covepets team members receive training in all aspects of pet care, health and safety, including group play and socialization.

Skilled Assesment
Each of our Guests is assigned to an appropriate play group based on temperament, energy level and age.

Good social skills with people and other dogs is a key factor for a well behaved pet. At DayCare your pet will learn trust through positive experiences with our caring team. During interactive play groups your pet will learn appropriate ways to greet and interact with other dogs. Even a few days a week at Day Care can dramatically improve social skills. We've found that this translates to dogs who love coming into our office and are not as anxious when they have to be away from their pet parents.

Our Play-yards are all X-grass, an artificial turf made specifically for dogs. All perimeter fencing is at least 6 feet tall and has an angled topper applied to ensure no pets can climb out. Our playgroups are monitored by our team members anytime we have pets on the yard.